Table Of Contents
Click on the Chapter number of the Chapter you wish to read.
2. Why You Are Stuck
• We all make a huge mistake in thinking we can obey God in our own strength.
• Your willpower cannot succeed in producing obedience.
• But God is big enough, and He provided a way whereby you can obey Him.
3. Remove All The Bad Roots
• We all have many roots of sin.
• We continually plant new ones.
• When Jesus removes these roots, we can obey Him.
4. Judging Causes Problems
• We all have a tendency to judge negatively.
• Such judging causes great difficulty in our lives.
5. Forgiving Ends These Problems
• Forgiving from your heart brings forgiveness by Jesus.
• His forgiveness reverses the damage caused by your judging.
• How can you forgive when it is hard?
6. God Is On Your Side
• God is protecting you.
• He is desiring to change you into His image.
7. Decisions That Bind Us
• Inner Vows are bitter decisions we make.
• These decisions lock us into rigid behavior.
• Jesus provided the way to set us free from bondage to this rigid behavior.
8. "That It May Go Well With You"
• Honoring parents is essential if life is to go well.
• How can you honor dishonorable parents?
9. There Is Buried Treasure
• You may have judged yourself as "bad," so you think you need to "die to self."
• But God sees the "treasure" inside you, which is the part of you made in His image.
• God wants to set free this "treasure" you buried.
10. Your Worst Trauma
• Your worst trauma was not the bad things that happened to you.
• What really hurt you was the "absence of the good," not the presence of the bad.
• How the "absence of the good" destroys you.
11. Emotions Are Your Friend
• Emotions are not sinful or fickle.
• Your emotions give you important information.
Your emotions reliably tell you what is going on inside you.
12. The Good Part Of You
• You are not "all bad," because part of you is made in God's image.
• That "Good Part" still exists in you.
• God wants to set free that "Good Part".
13. The Bad Part Of You
• There is within you a "Bad Part."
• What is this "flesh?" (You may be surprised).
• This "flesh" is not your entire "self."
14.. Face To Face With Jesus
• You need to experience Jesus.
• Experiencing Jesus will heal you.
15. A New And Living Way
• How can you experience Jesus' presence?
• There are ways to facilitate experiencing Him.
• Examples of this process.
16. Deliverance And Inner Healing
• Satan and his demons are real and can oppress Christians.
• Jesus can set you free, but Inner Healing must precede deliverance.
17. It Is A Journey
• Being changed into the image of Jesus is the goal.
• This change is not a one-time event, but a journey.
• With Jesus as your guide on this journey, you will be successful.
18. Love, An Essential Ingredient
• God loves you.
• Jesus said for you to also love yourself (Matthew 22:39).
• When you love yourself, there is peace inside you.
19. The Big Picture
• Summary of this process of becoming who God always meant you to be.
If it is, it is probably because you have not experienced it as being taught or practiced in church. This should be surprising, since it is foundational in the New Testament.